The Reality of Healing
Something in you was drawn to this article. Don’t shy away from that gut feeling, you are meant to be reading this right now.
It’s time to start healing. Let this read be your first step.
We all fall into a deep period of healing where the world seems to stop and the pain seems to start. There is no telling what will get you out of it because you must figure that out yourself.
Some of us never choose to heal ourselves and as a result, will live a miserable and unfulfilling life. It’s the ones who decide their life is worth more than their ego that will succeed and feel the joy that we are all meant to feel.
One thing is true, we can all begin to heal at any second of any day. The decision is waiting there for you to make as long as you are ready to finally face what you keep so tightly hidden under your mask.
Not all people who work on healing themselves will face the deep dark traumas of their past. Some people may just work on understanding how they can use them as an opportunity to grow, evolve, and learn. This comes in every healing journey but the form they take will be different for everyone.
As we heal, we let go of the egos that want to hold us back in the 3rd-dimensional world of pain, sorrow, and loss.
However, letting our egos hold us back is also a choice we personally make. That choice can be conscious or unconscious. **Usually, the short-term pain of having to address the things your ego is hiding seems far worse than the pleasure you would get long-term by letting yourself experience that.
Many people are so focused on wanting to feel better RIGHT NOW that all sense is lost when it comes to really deciding what is best for you.
The reality is that real healing work will not bring pleasure the moment you are starting it. In fact, it is more likely that it will do the opposite. However, that does not mean that pleasure will never come. I can promise you that with consistency, motivation, and trust that you will indeed feel that release of pain and experience a newfound pleasure in your life if you allow yourself to go through your healing process.
Allowing yourself this gift will not hurt you, it will heal you! There are so many misconceptions about the effects of having to confront your pain: you will never be able to get out of it, you will become weak, you will never be able to forget it. While there is truth to some of this, it is not the whole truth.
Confronting your pain will actually help you to never have to relive the pain as intensely as you have, make you stronger in all forms, and not make you forget it but rather help you accept it as it is and not feel the need to forget it.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that we make the healing process seem so complex and deep.
While it can be that, it can also be quite simple.
Healing can come in different sorts of forms such as self-care, talking to someone about what you feel, taking a day off of work, therapy, inner child work, emotion release, being in nature, and taking a nap.
So as you can see there is no one way to heal. There are so many different ways, some are easy and some are hard but all of them are simple. Our fear of taking the step to heal is what makes it feel complex. However, if you were to just decide you want to heal and pick any concrete and consistent starting point it could be the simplest thing ever.
Therefore, even though it is scary, the fear is just a reaction to having to talk about the things you worked so hard to push down. So fear is natural and it’s okay but it’s also not an excuse to not begin the process. You are allowed to be scared and still take the leap. But you are not allowed to use your fear as an excuse to deny yourself the right to be free of the pain of your past or present. You’re only hurting yourself more than you feel you have already been hurt. Healing is a right we all have and can easily access if we believe we are worthy of a better life.
If you don’t know if you are ready to start healing imagine you are your closest friend.
If you knew that your best friend was struggling mentally and emotionally but wasn’t doing anything about it, what would you do?
If you knew they were battling with the inner turmoil of their past traumas but were keeping it all inside, would you tell them to keep pushing it down? Or would you tell them that they should get help with it?
If your best friend was acting completely different than they normally do and you were worried about them would you pretend everything was okay or confront them and ask if they want help?
It’s hard to know when you need to take action to help yourself heal when you are in it and especially if you have no one pointing it out to you. However, if you take a step back and try to look at yourself from an outside perspective it may help you understand your situation a little better.
You need to be your best friend and care for yourself as they would for you. So ask yourself those questions and answer them truthfully. If you get scared and uncomfortable, that is okay! It’s a scary and uncomfortable thing to realize that it is time to begin healing because you don’t know what will happen. Millions of people have experienced those same feelings, including me.
If you want, I can be your best friend in this scenario. I would tell you to get the help you need, take care of yourself, and begin healing so you can live the rest of your life the way you want to and not the way you have been.
❤️🌻 Thank you for reading!
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