The Power of Your Thoughts, Feelings, and Imagination

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”-Buddha

Skylar Rae
5 min readDec 21, 2020

This is one of my new favorite quotes! It’s written on the inside of my new mug that is in this picture! :)

Your thoughts, feelings, and imagination have so much power. They all have the power to contribute to the way you see the world and the way the world reacts to you in return.

The quote, by Buddha, at the top of this article, is a perfect visual of this phenomenon. Therefore, in order to explain what this means, the best way I can, I will break it down by using the sentences in the quote.

“What you think, you become.”

Your thoughts are the most powerful of the three, in my opinion. Thoughts are like food for your mind. Your thoughts nourish the mind. If you think more positive thoughts, you will have a better outlook on life and more confidence in your abilities. If you think more negative thoughts, your outlook will be more pessimistic or victim-like and you will have low confidence in your abilities.

Furthermore, what you tell yourself (self-talk) will reflect how you see yourself, others, and the world. The energy around your thoughts gets released into the world around you. You can only go as far as your thoughts go.

This is similar to limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are false beliefs that prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams, whether that be something small or big. An example of a limiting belief would be, “no one will ever love me” or “I could never start my own business”.

When you allow these types of thoughts to build up, you begin projecting them onto the world. The only way to turn these negative thoughts around is to get to the root of them. This may involve asking yourself questions like, “why am I thinking this? Is it true? What am I afraid of? Have I tried it? What is the deeper issue causing this thought?”

Then when you have discovered where the thought is coming from you can work on changing your perspective around them. For example, “no one has loved me yet” or “I haven’t been able to start my own business yet”.

It is important to catch your negative thoughts while they are happening so you can flip the script at the moment. You will become the person your thoughts say you are so work on being kinder to yourself so you can be a kinder person.

“What you feel, you attract.”

This is similar to the law of attraction in philosophy. The law of attraction is the belief that positive and negative thoughts/feelings will bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.

Everything is energy and energy mirrors each other. You are the source of your own energy meaning that what you feel can be picked up by other people and your environment around you. This is why you may be able to feel when your significant other or a close friend is sad, they elicit a specific type of energy that we pick up on.

If you feel sad or angry in your life or feel this towards the world you will attract that energy from your environment. Therefore, the only way to break the cycle is again, work on understanding where it is coming from and then change your perspective.

“What you imagine, you create.”

This ties into what I said about the thoughts and feelings. For example, if you imagine your dream career but don’t believe you can do the work to get there, then you won’t. If you feel like the world is out to get you and nothing good will happen to you, then your dream career definitely won’t either.

Everything is connected, like what I said about our energy. Just imagining it won’t create it. You have to believe you can and feel like it is possible in order to create it.

To understand how to get from where you are now to where you want to be, you need to imagine it so you can have a better understanding of the steps you need to take. That way whenever you find yourself in a new project, relationship, etc. you can see if it lines up with your goals to check if you are staying on or off track.

This also goes for more short term things such as how a project will look or how a conversation will go. It’s not to say that it will go exactly as imagined, but by putting that energy out there it is more likely to be mirrored back to you in some form. However, you also have to release any attachments to what you imagine so that you aren’t disappointed if it doesn’t go the way you imagined it would.

Overall, this quote is about embodying the energy that you want to receive. Additionally, it is crucial that you give yourself authentic love and positivity first so you can receive it from others and the world.

With everything I talked about, it is important to realize that if you are someone who leans towards the negative side of these you can’t just change your entire life perspective by thinking a few happy thoughts.

You have to do the inner work to find out why you are really feeling that way first. This way it will last long-term and when a negative thought or feeling comes up you will learn how to process it better so it doesn’t stay with you for a long time.

Changing your energy and perspective needs to happen to better yourself and not just in hopes you will attract the love of your life or get that dream job. It might be deeper than that for some of you and even if you act positively on the outside it doesn’t mean your inside attitude has changed.

If you want to do this but are unsure how to start leave a public or private comment on here or message me on Instagram (handle below).


Skylar Rae

Follow my Instagram for more soul enlightenment, mental health, and personal development — @skylarraeblog



Skylar Rae
Skylar Rae

Written by Skylar Rae

My writing has moved here: | IG:@skylarsustin

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