The Most Common Energy Suckers

Energy suckers and energy drainers are all alike — they take away your light.

Skylar Rae
6 min readJun 3, 2021

Energy suckers refer to things that literally suck the energy right out of you. When you are around a person or doing something that is not good for you your physical body will be affected.

We have all experienced being around energy suckers. However, it can often be mistaken as just being tired or sick if this concept is an unfamiliar one. It can also be difficult to make the connection that something is draining your energy. This difficulty may come from just being unaware or because it’s hard to admit something is sucking the energy out of you and thus unhealthy to be around.

So how do you know if you are around an energy sucker?

First, it’s important to know what some of the signs and symptoms are of having your energy drained.

There are many different signs that you are being affected by an energy sucker. The most common signs include: suddenly becoming extremely tired where your whole body feels heavy, you have no energy to talk or engage, and a nap will sound really good to you.

Some people experience other signs when their energy is being drained such as becoming physically sick. Examples of these signs include having a headache, feeling dizzy, nauseous, or lightheaded.

So, if you have ever felt any of those things while being around a certain person or doing a specific thing you may want to take a double back and ask yourself, “should I be doing this?”

A lot of the time we have an awareness of what is sucking our energy. This awareness comes from the gut feeling we get that we don’t want to do something. For example, you may be dreading going to lunch with someone or really feel uncomfortable going to a certain restaurant.

This is why the next step to knowing if you are around an energy sucker is to become aware of the most common things that have the ability to drain your energy.

In knowing this, you will be able to pinpoint a person, thing, or activity that you do that is similar to what I am describing, ask yourself how you feel when you are around them or doing the activity, and then determine if you should continue engaging.

Here are the most common energy suckers:

1. Toxic people

This can include a variety of people such as people you can’t be yourself around, people who are judgy, have a big ego, who dump all their emotions on you, expect you to fix them, complainers, people who expect perfection, abusers, and fake people.

The type of people who are toxic to you may be completely different from someone else. However, either way, if you know someone who fits one of the descriptions above and you always feel tired or sick when you are around them, they may be an energy sucker.

Toxic people are one of the hardest things to cut out of your life because sometimes they can be your best friend or a family member.

To learn more about how to remove yourself from toxic people and what those energy-sucking relationships look like, listen to this podcast:

2. Things you don’t want to do

These aren’t things you don’t want to do like doing the dishes, taking out the trash, or running an errand.

Rather, these are things that you don’t want to do that make you feel really uncomfortable and that your gut tells you you shouldn’t do. Examples of this may be a project that is taking everything in you to work on, a job that you hate, or saying yes to something you didn’t want to do.

What makes things you don’t want to do energy suckers? It’s the repetition of engaging in them despite your intense emotional and physical feelings that it is not right to do.

It is when you go against the feeling in your body that is telling you should not be doing this that drains your energy and leaves you feeling tired and sick. You’re going against your intuition to please others and force something that is really not meant to be.

3. Anger, bitterness, hostility, resentment

When you experience any of these emotions your energy automatically decreases. Anger, bitterness, hostility, or resentment are low vibrational emotions, and thus when you experience them your physical energy drops as well.

It’s natural to feel these emotions. However, when they are being held on to and not moved through is when your energy will become consistently drained. You become stuck in the low vibration with the emotion until you release them.

It’s exhausting to be angry, bitter, hostile, and resentful. Additionally, when those emotions are being held for that long period of time they stick around in your body and make you sick.

The body and emotions are tightly connected. That’s why when we are depressed we slouch, our head hangs low, and we are slow. And why when we are stressed we clench our jaw and tighten our shoulders. And why when we have not dealt with these four emotions for years and years we develop neck and back problems and even sickness.

Our emotions store themselves in our body which is why they are one of the most sneaky energy suckers; they don’t come from any outside sources.

4. Chronic complaining

Other people complaining all the time drain your energy but so does complaining yourself.

It’s easier to find the negative in a situation than the good but complaining all the time is more than looking at the negative. It’s a constant need for significance and validation. Chronic complainers never feel heard so they think they need to repeat the negative in order to get people’s attention and feel empowered.

It’s draining having to seek approval and external validation but doing it in a negative way makes it 10x more exhausting.

5. People pleasing

People-pleasing is energy-sucking because it puts all your energy in the hands of other people. You have no control over what gets sucked out and what you get to keep for yourself.

As a people pleaser, you are also more likely to stay in relationships with toxic people and do things you don’t want to do (the first two energy suckers I talked about). You are literally putting yourself in a direct position to be drained and yes, it is a choice, one you can retract at any moment.

In addition to general people-pleasing, other things related to this that drain your energy are worrying about what other people think, trying to prove your worth to others, taking things personally, and always trying to defend yourself.

I hope you were able to understand why things affect you the way they do and as a result, have become more aware of external or internal energy suckers.

Getting your energy drained is almost always a choice that you make. Whether it be to continue spending a lot of time with a toxic person or complaining every second, you have the power to protect your energy.

Sometimes it’s hard to avoid the energy suckers so having a choice to distance yourself is not always an option. If this is true for you, you can work on protecting your energy in other ways and work on detaching your energy from the source of drainage.

If you want to learn how to protect your energy listen to this podcast:

❤️🌻 Thank you for reading!

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