Stop Over Apologizing & Start Honoring Your Truth!
Over apologizing is a habit a lot of people fall into. This can look like apologizing in conversations where you did nothing wrong, apologizing for the way you feel, to make others feel better, or to avoid conflict. This type of apologizing does more harm than good.
It is most common with people-pleasers, people who have low confidence, and who are insecure about who they are or what they have to say.
I would over apologize all the time. I would apologize for saying what I thought & felt, to avoid hurting others, and in an attempt to ease others' pain. In other words, I would apologize for my truth.
The problem with this is that I was denying myself. Even though I knew my truth I was still downplaying it to others which just made me resentful and afraid to ever talk about how I felt.
So although I would tell myself I was “helping others” by ignoring my truth I was really doing the opposite.
If you are someone who also over apologizes as I have, why do you do it? Really ask yourself, what is the reason you feel you have to apologize for your true feelings?
No good can come of this. In fact, it brings you farther away from ever aligning with your true and highest self because it’s an act of denial. Denial of who you are meant to be. When you can understand and express your thoughts and feelings accurately to yourself and others it gives you confidence in who you are and guides you on your life mission.
Additionally, when you over apologize it prohibits you from finding your purpose because you are so focused on pleasing others. You are molding your life around others' opinions and feelings which will always take you down the path that is less aligned with your soul.
Like I said before when I would over apologize, I would apologize for my truth. My truth (and yours) is what my deepest feelings and thoughts express to me. When I would apologize for my truth I was apologizing for being me. For being someone that has valid thoughts and feelings. Someone that wanted to be herself but was afraid of hurting other people in the process because it wasn’t always what they wanted to hear.
More simply, I was apologizing for being human.
If you are or have ever been someone that over apologizes or inappropriately apologizes can you resonate with my experience? Can you connect what you have gone through to apologizing for something that everyone experiences?
It holds you back in life. When you could be moving forward it blocks you from it because you aren’t allowing yourself to come forward as you.
I understand that everyone’s circumstances are different and some of you may have many more external factors that you feel block you from ever being able to speak your truth.
However, the real block is yourself because you can decide to stop over apologizing and stand in your truth. It really only takes one decision to work up the courage to make.
So, now, I leave it up to you. Will you start honoring and respecting yourself by standing in your truth and stop apologizing for things that need no apology?
The decision is simple, but acting on it will take work. However, there is no work that isn’t worth it when it helps to heal your soul.
❤️🌻 Thank you for reading!
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