Stop Doubting. Start Doing.
The second you doubt something is the second the world doubts it too.
Doubt is a stressful preoccupation of the mind that skews your belief of success that is based on fear.
So what are you doubting? Yourself, someone else, a plan, an idea? Why are you doubting it? Do you have a legitimate reason to or is it the fear of your ego making you doubt it?
A lot of times we can feel what is right for us even if we can’t know for sure if something will work out. We all have a deep feeling of certainty in some form — your intuition.
However, no matter how right and aligned something may feel your ego always has a way of getting involved if you allow it.
Your ego will mess with your head. It will place those thoughts of uncertainty and doubt in a place that is easily accessible to you so you can “protect yourself”.
I put quotation marks around that because it really doesn’t protect you. Sure it protects you from the possibility of your fears becoming a reality but those fears are just excuses not to start what you are doubting. And those excuses come from your ego. They tell you to keep doubting so you don’t have to look your fears in the eye and move forward.
But that’s just it. The act of doubting, being afraid, and making excuses is really what’s in your way — not the thing you doubt, fear, or make excuses about. In other words, you are the only thing in the way of doing what you truly feel called to start doing.
Furthermore, if you doubt yourself or an idea you have and never do anything, you can’t blame that on others. Even if you feel like other people are the ones who are doubting you because you have a choice. You have a choice whether or not you let people who doubt you control how you feel about yourself.
If you feel like others doubt you and therefore you have no other choice but to doubt yourself, it’s because you decided that their doubts were valid. However, you can also decide not to believe their doubts at all.
It’s also important to understand that no one will doubt you if you don’t doubt yourself. For example, if you doubt your capabilities to succeed in your dream career you will put that energy into the world. In other words, you become open and accepting of external doubt only by making the choice to doubt yourself first.
Therefore, doubt from others is not random because it originates from you. Even if you first heard doubt about yourself from your mother, you were the one that took that on as a personal belief. Most of the time this is unconsciousness but that can change by starting to notice where your doubt originally came from right now. Did your mom doubt your ability to ride a bike alone and you believed her so now you doubt you can ever ride a bike?
With everything I have said, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean everything you think and try is brilliant and you should never feel doubtful. Doubt can be useful because it can tell you when something doesn’t feel right or is not aligned with you.
However, doubting in any form is not useful when it gets in your way of succeeding and trying something new — when it’s about doing something good for you. It’s also not useful when it comes from a fear of trying something new or going for something big.
When anticipating starting anything new there will always be some natural doubt in there. But there is always a decision that you can make about how much you let that doubt get in your way.
You can either let it stop you from doing anything in life or you can decide that the doubt you feel does not have to define what you do.
Which way will you let your doubt sway you?
❤️🌻 Thank you for reading!
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