If You Are Struggling Emotionally Please Read this
This is for anyone who may be struggling emotionally. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that what we are feeling is okay.
Maybe right now you feel happy, content, excited, grateful, joy, or even fulfilled. Or maybe you feel sad or scared. You might even be feeling angry, frustrated, or stressed. Anxious? Or overall just unhappy?
No matter what you are feeling at this moment, it is okay to feel that way. It may be uncomfortable and scary but feeling something is better than not feeling anything at all; it's better than feeling numb.
It doesn’t matter if you are over the moon with joy or paralyzed by your fears. All feelings, positive or negative, are valid.
For the extent of this article, I won’t be sharing tips or sharing information about an important topic. Rather, this article is to give whoever reading it validation for what they are going through and love to help you get through it and/or to add to the love you already have.
You might feel uncomfortable talking to others or you might feel like you have no one to talk to. I want to tell you that no matter what your situation is, there is always someone out there supporting you; someone you know or a stranger. Some of you reading this might know me personally and some of you might not but no matter who you are, I will always be supporting you whether it be right next to you or energetically.
We all experience different things in life. One person’s experience and circumstance will not be exactly like someone else’s. However, at one point or another, we have all experienced the weight that negative emotions carry over us.
And those emotions hurt. They may hurt so bad that it feels like there is no hope, that it feels like there is no way to take that weight away. It can be unbearable. As sucky as experiencing this is, it is so healthy to let yourself feel it so you can learn from it.
Your emotions are real. I want you to know that it is okay to feel them. It is okay to not always feel happy. Let yourself be afraid, be sad, be angry etc. Release them in a safe way, don’t push them down. Pushing them down will only make it feel 10x worse. Sometimes this can be much easier said than done but that’s why you begin with baby steps.
But remember masking your emotions is only a temporary solution. It doesn’t heal what you are feeling, it only hides it. It is impossible to wear a mask forever, our mind, body, and soul can’t take it. They don’t just hide what you don’t want to deal with but they also hide all the beauty that is unique to you. Masks were not made to be worn forever, they were made to be taken off to reveal who you truly are.
On another note, there may be days where you feel on top of the world and others where it just feels like you are drowning. I can only imagine how terrible those drowning days are for you, I feel your pain, truly. It must be hard to imagine a time where you could ever feel better than you do on those days or better than you do right now.
However, those days do not define you. I promise you there is a reason you are going through this. There is no way for me to tell you what that reason is, that is for you to uncover. It may take years to understand the purpose of your pain but as long as you continue to work on taking small steps forward, that clarity will come.
In the meantime, the only thing you have to do is learn to be yourself with yourself and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to. Whatever those emotions are, they are all okay.
It is also possible to feel multiple emotions at once. You can be happy and sad at the same time, there are absolutely no rules to what you feel. That means that nothing you are feeling is wrong. It may feel wrong but that is your mind playing tricks on you.
Times are tough for so many people right now, I guarantee you there are at least five other people in the world feeling something similar to you at this very moment. There are also people who have felt exactly what you are feeling and have come out the other side.
The bottom line is that whatever you are feeling is valid and it is real. I am sending you love, peace, strength, and clarity.
You are more than your circumstance and more than the weight that is so heavily sitting on your shoulders. Reading this article and taking it in is a small step that you just took. It doesn’t matter if it took you 3 minutes to read this or 3 weeks, as long as you took this step that’s all that matters.
Make sure you continue your journey to accept your emotions and heal. Reach out to someone, this is just the beginning.
Skylar Rae🌻❤️
Follow my Instagram for more soul enlightenment, mental health, and personal development — @skylarraeblog