How to Create a Personal Development Plan in 3 Easy Steps
Personal Development is different for everyone. In other words, what you may need and your goals for personal development will most likely be different from other people.
We have lived through different experiences, internalized them differently, think differently, and are ultimately all very unique human beings.
That’s why creating a personal development plan for you will be different than it will be for your best friend or partner.
So, with this uniqueness how can you create a personal development plan that can help you thrive in the way you need and want to?
It’s all about asking yourself questions and setting goals aligned with yourself.
In this article, I will take you through some general and quick ways you can create your own personal development plan at this moment.
3 Step process to create Personal Development Plan
- Create a set of goals: setting goals helps you get more familiar with what it is exactly that you want to achieve and why you want to achieve them.
In any plan we have to know where we want to end up so that we can create an outline of how we can best get there.
To create a set of goals ask yourself: What do I want? Where do I want to go? What is the most ideal version of myself I want to achieve? If other questions come up or you begin to go in a direction you didn’t expect, don’t shy away from those. They will likely lead you to learn key things that correspond with the goals you create.
From this inquisitive brainstorming process, now come up with 3 goals that seem the most important to you.
2. Learn where you are right now: whenever we make a plan for improvement in any area we have to know where we are starting from.
This second step is about getting to know the person you are right now on all levels. To fulfill goals for self development you have to learn your reason for creating those goals and that comes from getting to know yourself.
This can be done by weekly or daily check-ins, journal prompts that connect you more to yourself, and understanding exactly what you are feeling and where it is coming from.
3. Brainstorm how you can get to point A to point B
What are some ways that you can get to your goals from where you are now?
For each of your goals, write out where you are currently at in terms of achieving that based on what you learned in the last step. Then, brainstorm ways you can create solid action to achieve your goals in as many ways as you want. Is it a mindset that needs to change? Is it a specific pattern of behavior? A location change? A change in routine?
Think of all the possible ways you can reach point B that are both practicable and a little extraordinary. In other words, come up with small ways that you think you can for sure accomplish; this will help build trust with yourself that you can reach your goals. Then think of bigger things that will help you achieve your goals (steps that you can work up).
For example, say you have a goal to workout 5 days a week (came up with in 1st step) and right now you are working out 2 days a week which has made you feel less energized and motivated (learned in step 2). In this step, it is up to you come up with small and big ways you can make changes that will lead you from working out twice a week to five days a week.
Some small ideas could be starting off going on a walk just for 15 minutes the third day you work out, putting out your workout clothes the night before you plan to workout, finding a workout buddy to keep you accountable, integrating working out into your usual morning routine etc.
Some bigger ideas that you can build up to that will help you accomplish this goal is each week adding one more day of working out, working through limiting beleifs, building it as a habit long term, etc.
There are many personal development goals you can use this type of plan for. And the best part is that it is highly adaptive to whoever uses it!
The most important thing to rememebr is that you will accomplish your goals when you are meant to but you also have to be creating the catalyst that will help you get there. If something is not workinng, you may not be going about it the right way or there may still be something that needs working through on a mental or emotional level.
Also remember that this plan is fully and compleltey yours. You have the power to accomplish any goal in your personal development plan.
❤️🌻 Thank you for reading!
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